Beethoven Today, Living Tomorrow: musical narrative with Jan Caeyers

"All men become brothers and everyone knows Beethoven."

Almost two hundred years after his death in 1827, Beethoven is world-famous and has become one of the most important icons in Western cultural history. The reason for that is undoubtedly because of the beautiful music he composed, but equally, because his significance transcends music. Beethoven sent a message to humanity about the meaning of life, man's place in the cosmos, man's ability to define his life, to overcome any setbacks (becoming deaf, for example) and to push boundaries through innovative thinking.

Beethoven's music also expresses the hope for a better world, a world of peace in which people feel connected with each other. It is therefore no coincidence that the final chorus of the Ninth Symphony has formed the basis for the European hymn. In this sense, Beethoven has great topical value both today and tomorrow. And it is our mission to spread his message for humanity worldwide.

It is a deliberate choice to tell Beethoven's unique story in the brand-new innovation centre of Living Tomorrow. The theme of the evening? Music and mankind. Innovation and inspiration. Culture with a climax that leads to 2027. Welkome!

Jan Caeyers

Beethoven Today, Living Tomorrow: musical narrative with Jan Caeyers

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