At the heart of Beethoven27 lies a humanistic mission carried out by a group of key players, from the conductor of the orchestra to the production team providing behind-the-scenes support. These are the notes that make up the harmony of Beethoven27.
Through his music, Beethoven issued a call for peace and brotherhood. Jan Caeyers answers the call with Beethoven27.
Le Concert Olympique is an internationally renowned Beethoven orchestra: a diverse ensemble of musicians that performs at world-class level.
Jan Caeyers is a conductor, musicologist, Beethoven expert and biographer. He is the founder of Beethoven27 and spearheads the sociocultural project.
Kit Armstrong is one of today’s leading musicians. A child prodigy himself, like Beethoven he is both a piano virtuoso and a prolific composer.
The Arnold Schoenberg Choir is an award-winning choir from Austria: a multifaceted vocal group unrivalled in its crystal-clear choral sound.
The project is propped up by an indispensable team of Beethoven enthusiasts and supporters, whose efforts allow Beethoven27 to travel through Europe.